Thursday 6 October 2016

And when the sixth hour came

Image result for deer in richmond park

Thursday afternoon

Mark 15 - when the sixth hour came there was darkness over the whole land
Luke 22 - the veil of the Temple torn

The impossibility of being ready for death, and the help with the impossibility "alone with none but thee, o God, I journey on my way.  I shall not fear if thou art near, oh King of night and day."

The Hail Mary - " pray for us now and at the hour of our death" 
Job - "naked I came from my mother's womb, naked I shall return"

Life as a preparation for death - never the final word for a Christian.  Our belief is that Life is not a slow decline to death, but an ascent to the reunion with our Maker.

Key supports on this journey we are making to the high point of our life.
The words and witness of Jesus himself - the dialogue with Martha
"I am the Resurrection and the life."  "Yes Lord, I believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God"

Returning to "the struggling heart and the five agnostic senses -we still know You"
The witness and courage of countless martyrs and saints, known and unknown, and our own loved ones.
The veil of faith becomes thin at times and we see clearer and then the light fades again and we feel alone.
Cardinal Hume - in the end we all come to God like the publican - 'Lord, have mercy on me, a sinner."

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