Monday 3 October 2016

You are the Christ

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"Who do people say I am?"

You are the Christ.

Love is renewed day by day as we answer this question again.
Justin Welby - "I know that I find who I am in Christ Jesus"

Prayer of St Richard of Chichester

Becoming in touch more deeply with my deepest desire.

St Therese of Lisieux - the first fruit of silence is to realise again that we are loved.

The Church is young and alive because Christ is alive.  If we let him into our lives we lose nothing of all that is good, beautiful and free.  - Pope Benedict

Father Pedro Arrupe - to fall in love with Christ, to stay in love with Christ, that will decide everything.

Teresa of Avila - struggled with prayer for many years.  What she was good at was friendship, and once she realised prayer is simply friendship with God.  " we can cope with everything providing we have you living within us, Christ Jesus."

There is no way round life's ills, but we have a sure way through.

John of the Cross - his life shaped by the love affair that was his parents marriage - his father gave up his rank for love of his beloved wife.  Christ did the same for love of us - John speaks in language of love. " in perfect love this law holds, that the lover must become one with the beloved". "There are depths to be fathomed in Christ, and the end is not reached, rather we find in every recess more treasures."

St Paul - to read Paul is to know that Christ lives. Colossians 2-6 " since you have accepted Christ as Lord, live in union with him, sink your roots deep into him, build upon him and let your thanks be overflowing,"

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